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Friday, May 30, 2008

To Be Continued...

Ever watch a great show, only to be smacked by a To Be Continued... credit at the end?

Well, here's another one.

I thought my appointment was at 9, turns out it was at 8:30! And of course, the surgeon was leaving early today, so no possibility to wait for an opening later on. Now I'm scheduled to see him next Friday at 10:30...


Well, here's my deal. I'm already OK to work on my own with moderate tempo Karate per my PT. I will return to the mat tonight, with a self-imposed limitation of moderate tempo, non-contact kicking until I see Dr. K next Friday.

At this point I've just got to be out there with my peers, and I find no risk in doing what I'm already approved to do.

I'll just be doing it in uniform.

I spoke with my PT this afternoon, and she agrees with my limitations until I see Dr. K. That is, moderate tempo, non-contact activity on the operative leg. It's the same training I've been doing, just in a different venue and with friends. Yay!!!


Anonymous said...


Well, take it very easy, keeping in mind it's just an extra week in what will be years of practice.

Have fun :)

Hack Shaft said...

OK, so as I mentioned in the post, I got a green light to return from my PT, with the caveat that I only do what I'm already approved to do until next Friday.

Bob M said...

Hack, I'm sorry, I have to laugh, sometimes that's the best reaction to frustration! It does sound like your knee is in excellent shape if you were replacing struts and whatnot and it felt fine.

Blackbeltmama said...

Congrats on going back. My surgeon changes his schedule constantly. They are always changing my appointments.