I awoke to this sight:
32 degrees and heavy, sticky, new fallen Spring snow was on everything.
I really debated going for a run in that muck, but as it turned out the snow was only an inch deep. I geared up and headed out to my usual running path.
The path was perfectly undisturbed. Not even as much as a rabbit had left its mark, leaving me first to plod through the snow.
With trees arching overhead forming a sort of roof, it was a very Robert Frost moment.
Wednesday I had a brief visit with my PT to review exercises and status. You want numbers? My final ROM is 138 degrees flexion, probably -10 extension. This is identical to my good knee, and further flexion limited by the bulk of my thighs. All is well, except she wants me to concentrate more effort on hamstring development, which she states is quite important.
I see Molly again in 3 weeks when I pass into the final phase of rehab--weeks 13 through 26--and begin hopping, tons more balancing, figure-8, square hops, and finally running with cutting motions.
12 more days and I'm halfway home. New countdown clock to celebrate!